Sunday, October 25, 2015

Friday, February 20, 2015

I'm feeling pretty confident with my school work these days, I won a challenge in my fashion photography class and it was just the motivation I needed to keep on the right track. Somedays it gets really hard and I most certainly miss my social life, but I must keep going and I must continue to strive for the best with my work. Can't wait to see what March brings!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

2015 has swept me off of my feet, and its only two months in. I've taken so many steps down my creative path and have really began to shape my identity as an artist- most importantly an artist from Detroit. I've been looking at my community through a new lens, and with that I've met new friends, discovered new places, and have created so much more. I've been so busy adventuring, that I've forgotten to update this blog, so here's a few projects from January... February's are soon to follow!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Late night photo adventures and cool hats make me a very cold but happy camper.