Saturday, May 11, 2013

I know that I should be packing and not ranting, but ever since I stumbled upon the banned books list I've been in a complete state of disarray. I've pulled out all my great reads from k-12th and have put them on my shelf to remind me that I must keep the spirit of imagination alive! I'm not sure I would be the camera toting urban explorer I am today if I had not spent hours emerged deeply in the pages of a book. As an only child, reading played an extremely important role in my life. Books were my best of friends and because of them I never found loneliness but instead distant lands, daring heroes (heroines as well) and adventure. My ability to form these grand images from the stories I read made me the artist I am today. Now little ones have to turn to on the television to see what the world has to offer. Its frightening to see how much we rely on technology and not the power of our own minds. We're stunting the creative growth of generations to come and I believe that to be complete poppycock. Yes I said poppycock.

I'm just going to have to hold on to these books and when I achieve my life's goal of opening an imaginarium, these literary landmarks are going to line the walls. 

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